Archives for the year of: 2010

Directed by Warren Fu

Celebrating the label’s 5 year anniversary, DJ Beware has put together an hour-long megamix featuring some of Man Recordings finest.

tracklist –> Read the rest of this entry »

Gundam Art Production Notes

I’ve had Hostage’s Roll EP on repeat for the past few days now. Yes, the entire [5-track] EP, not just the single. Roll is a banger, The Ba$$ ((what I’m listening to at the moment)) is just as filthy, and the DJ Donna Summer, Samo Sound Boy and Figure remixes of the title track are just as fitting. It’s a free EP so download and make sure to give a shout to @Hostage as thanks!

download + tracklist –> Read the rest of this entry »

I’ve been a fan of Hollwood Holt‘s music for a few years now and it’s been a while since he’s released any solo material, so I’ve been pretty excited seeing him appear on a lot of guest features here and there. Not too sure how “new” Fall Back is since Roofeo featured the track on his Call It What You Want mixtape back in April. Either way both tracks GO HAAAAARD and are easily two of my favorite recent releases from the underrated Chicago MC.

Hollywood Holt – Fall Back

Hollywood Holt – Deep Cover

download + tracklist

grooveman Spot


I’ve been listening to Wavves a good amount since I first heard their song Take On The World featured in the Мишка Fall 2010 Commercial. They’re currently on tour so check them out if you get a chance.

download on Green Label Sound

Egyptian Hip Hop – Moon Crooner

Abeano Music